
Head of the Papua Province Panca Marga Youth Department, Niko Mauri, Appeals to the Community to Unite and Protect Papuan History

Jayapura, Papua – Head of the Papua Province Panca Marga Youth Department, Niko Mauri, issued an important statement addressed to all people in Papua, especially in Jayapura City. In his statement, Niko Mauri invited all components of society to unite and protect the country from groups that do not understand history and try to distort historical facts.

Niko Mauri emphasized the importance of protecting the country that has raised and given life to the Papuan people. He invited all parties to work together with the TNI and Polri to ensure the security of this country for future generations.

“There are groups that try to fish in troubled waters and distort history, so the community must be vigilant and not be careless,” he said.

In his statement, Niko Mauri also emphasized that Papua is a legitimate part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) which must not be separated by anyone.

“I invite all components of the nation’s children to stand up to defend the country and maintain the nation’s decisions that are part of History,” he concluded.

Niko Mauri also highlighted the importance of the younger generation’s understanding of history, especially regarding the New York Agreement.

“The nation and state have fought for Papua to become part of the Republic of Indonesia, and this must be maintained by the young generation who are intelligent and think about the future of Papua,” he said.

Furthermore, Niko Mauri emphasized the importance of good communication with the government, citing the Word of God which states that the government is God’s representative in the world.

“Anyone who fights the government is fighting God’s representative. Therefore, the community does not need to worry about facing the 15th, and must remain brave and not be afraid,” he said.

Niko Mauri also invited the community to close ranks and fly the red and white flag throughout the city as a form of joint commitment.

“The struggle to maintain Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia must continue with the support of the TNI and Polri. It is important to read the situation and act correctly, even if it means risking body and soul,” he said.

With the spirit of unity and historical awareness, Niko Mauri invites all Papuan people to close ranks and protect this country together.

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