
The Role of Religious Figures in Realizing Peaceful Regional Elections in the Land of Papua

Jayapura- The 2024 simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) will be an important moment in Indonesian democracy. Behind the hustle and bustle of political preparations, there is one element that is no less important and often determines the creation of social stability, namely the role of religious figures.

In this context, the Papuan People’s Council (MRP) through the Chair of the Religion Working Group (Pokja), Frits Mambrasar, called for the importance of active involvement of religious figures in ensuring that the Pilkada runs peacefully.

This call is not just a moral call, but is a real step that can have a big impact on the success and smoothness of the democratic process, especially in conflict-prone areas.

In every regional head election, differences in political choices often become a source of tension. However, this is where the role of religious figures is really needed to maintain order. Religious figures have a big influence in their communities, whether through church pulpits, mosques, temples or monasteries.

Sermons calling for peace and unity can be a calming remedy amidst political tensions. Therefore, religious leaders in Papua, as stated by Frits Mambrasar, are expected to be at the forefront in conveying messages of peace and maintaining social harmony.

Frits firmly stated that the role of religious figures is not only to direct people to choose wisely, but also to prevent social conflicts that can damage relations between fellow citizens.

Even though the Pilkada only lasts for a moment, its social impact can last a long time. Therefore, the Papuan people are asked to maintain harmony, even though they have different political choices. The congregation is encouraged to support regional head candidates in a peaceful manner and upholding brotherhood.

It is no longer a secret that regional elections are often crucial moments that are prone to triggering social conflict. Differences in choices can quickly turn into divisions, especially if there are parties who deliberately take advantage of the situation to spread hoaxes and provocative issues. Again, the role of religious figures is very important.

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