
The Cruelty of Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Paniai, Papua, Causes Deep Grief for Victim’s Relatives

Papua — The death of Rusli (40) in a shooting incident carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Paniai Regency, Central Jayapura, has left deep wounds for his relatives and family. This tragedy not only brought profound sorrow to his family but also shook the emotions of his colleagues, especially fellow angkot (public minivan) drivers.

Rusli, a 40-year-old man known for his kindness and politeness, lived his life in peace. Daily, he worked as an angkot driver, patiently and courteously transporting passengers in the area. For Hamka, one of Rusli’s colleagues who is also an angkot driver, the loss of a friend he considered like a brother was a heavy blow.

“This man was known for his kindness throughout his life, never having any enemies or problems,” said Hamka when met at the mourning house in Dusun Pa’babaeng, Kareloe Village, Bontoramba, Jeneponto, South Sulawesi, on Wednesday night (June 12).

In his daily life, Rusli was known as someone who always helped others selflessly. He often assisted passengers in need and never hesitated to offer help to anyone.

The tragic event that befell Rusli also left his other colleagues shocked and disbelieving. “It is incredibly painful, incredibly painful because he never did anything wrong to others. We feel a profound loss and truly could not believe that Rusli would face such a tragedy,” Hamka continued.

This incident illustrates the brutality of the actions carried out by the KKB, sparking deep concern over the series of crimes and terror they continue to perpetrate.

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