
Pressure for Decisive Action Against KKB Following Rusli’s Death in Paniai

In the aftermath of the tragic incident that claimed the life of Rusli (40) in a shooting carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Paniai Regency, Central Jayapura, the local community, especially fellow angkot (public minivan) drivers, is calling for authorities to take immediate action against the group.

Hamka, Rusli’s close friend and fellow angkot driver, expressed deep concern and fear over the possibility of similar violence occurring to him and others, potentially resulting in more loss of life.

Hamka, who considered Rusli more like a brother than just a friend, is now haunted by the possibility of further attacks by the KKB. The fear is not just for his own safety, but also for the safety of other drivers and residents in the area.

“The fear is palpable among us,” said Hamka. “Every day, as we go out to work, there is this lingering dread that we might not come back home. The brutality of the KKB has made us all live in constant anxiety,” he continued.

The incident has not only sparked fear but also a wave of anger and frustration towards the KKB. The group’s continuous acts of violence have terrorized the local community, leading to an urgent plea for decisive action.

Hamka, along with many others, is calling on the government to take immediate and stringent measures against the KKB, which they regard as a terrorist organization.

“We are urging the government to act decisively against the KKB because they have grossly violated human rights. There have been too many victims already, so the KKB must be eradicated,” demanded Hamka.

His plea reflects the widespread sentiment of fear and anger among the local population who have suffered from the relentless violence perpetrated by the KKB.

The continuous terror activities by the KKB have left a trail of destruction and grief, affecting countless families and communities. The local residents are now living in a state of heightened alert, fearing that any day could bring new acts of violence and more innocent victims.

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