
Brigadier General Pol. Faizal Ramadhani Attends Ceremony for the Promotion of Commissioner General Matius Fakhiri

Jayapura, 27 August 2024 – Head of Cartenz-2024 Peace Operations, Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani, S.Sos., S.I.K., M.H., attended the Celebration Ceremony for the Promotion of Papua Regional Police Chief, Komjen Pol. Matthew D. Fakhiri, S.I.K., which was held at the Papua Police yard, Koya Koso, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua.

This event was an important moment in the career of Komjen Pol. Matius D. Fakhiri, who now holds the three-star rank as Commissioner General of Police.

In this grateful event, Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani also congratulated the Papua Police Chief on his promotion. Not to forget, a group photo session was also part of this series of activities, as a form of respect and togetherness among the senior police officials who were present.

Papua Police Chief, Commissioner General Pol. Matthew D. Fakhiri, in his speech, expressed his deep gratitude to God for the opportunity and strength given to him to lead the Land of Papua since 2021. He emphasized that this promotion was a sign of the trust given to him to continue to maintain peace and order in Papua .

“I came to Papua with great responsibility, starting from forming the Separatist Handling Task Force, then setting up the Special Papua Task Force called Nemangkawi. “In 2021, I initiated the formation of the Cartenz Peace Task Force, to ensure that Papua remains a land of peace without unnecessary bloodshed,” said Komjen Pol. Matthew D. Fakhiri.

He also appreciated the close cooperation with the TNI, especially the regional units of the Regional Military Command, Lantamal X, and Silas Papare Air Base, in maintaining peace in Papua. Apart from that, he expressed his thanks to the entire team and pastors who support the Papua Bermazmur program, and hopes that this collaboration will continue to make Papua a Land of Peace.

Chairman of the Papua Province MUI, K.H. Syaiful Islam Al Payage, also gave a speech at the event. He emphasized the importance of gratitude in living life and expressed his appreciation for the promotion to the rank of Papua Police Chief which was a gift from God Almighty.

“This life has foundations that have been established by God. Gratitude is a very basic foundation. “If someone lives their life with gratitude, their life will be filled with calm,” said K.H. Syaiful Islam Al Payage.

The Papua Police Chief Promotion Celebration activity is not just a celebration, but also a tribute to dedication and commitment in carrying out police duties. This event is also a moment to preserve the tradition of gratitude and appreciation within the police institution.

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