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Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force Health Team Provides Health Services to Personnel in Yahukimo

Jayapura- The Health Team from the Assistance Task Force, the Cartenz-2024 Damai Ops Health Sub-task Force is again carrying out the noble task of providing health services to the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops personnel who work at the Action Task Force Post in Agriculture, the Nanggala Task Force Post, as well as personnel who post at Yahukimo Police on Friday, August 30 2024.

This health service is part of an effort to ensure the health condition of personnel on duty in maintaining security and order in Papua, especially in the face of disturbances from the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

In this activity, the health team is responsible for ensuring that personnel remain in top condition so they can carry out their duties optimally.

This activity was led directly by the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force Doctor, IPTU dr. Gaza Muhammad Anjartama, who was accompanied by BRIPKA Heribertus A.B. Tena, S.Tr.AK., M.Si., and BRIPTU Refli Djakatara, S.Kep.

They work together to provide needed medical services, both to personnel who experience health complaints and to those who need to undergo routine examinations.

Head of the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno, S.H., S.I.K., M.M., M.H., in his confirmation stated that this health service includes treatment for personnel who experience symptoms of diseases such as malaria. Apart from that, for personnel who do not have health complaints, routine health checks are carried out and vitamins are given to maintain their immune system.

“Health services consist of treatment for Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops task force personnel who experience symptoms of illness such as malaria, while for personnel who have no health complaints, medical checkups and administration of vitamins are carried out,” said Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno.

This health service went well and smoothly, showing the commitment of the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force in ensuring the welfare of its personnel while carrying out their duties in the Papua region.

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