
Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force Personnel at Kilometer 6 Yahukimo Post Perform Sunday Morning Worship

Jayapura- Worship is an important obligation for every human being, in accordance with their respective teachings and beliefs.

On Sunday, September 1 2024, personnel from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force from the Yahukimo Sector, Kilometer 6 Post, who are Protestant and Catholic Christians, carried out Sunday morning worship with great joy.

The service was led directly by Brigadier Sukriston Majore and attended by personnel from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Action Task Force posted at Kilometer 6 Yahukimo, as well as personnel from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Nanggala Task Force.

Head of the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno, S.H., S.I.K., M.M., M.H., said that this worship is an obligation for every Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Task Force personnel, in accordance with their respective beliefs.

“Today, Sunday, September 1 2024, we all know that Sunday is the day when Christians carry out worship. Of course, our personnel who are on duty in the field continue to carry out worship at the posts where they are on duty,” said Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno.

He added that the worship together with Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Action Task Force personnel and Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Nanggala Task Force personnel took place peacefully and full of wisdom.

“With this service, we together pray for a safe and peaceful Papua, and ask for God’s protection so that we will be kept away from things we don’t want,” concluded Police Commissioner. Dr. Bayu Suseno.

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