
Condemning the KKB’s heinous actions that make civilians targets of violence

Papua- The tragedy that occurred again in Papua, especially in Yahukimo Regency, provides a clear and unequivocal message: violence committed by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) can no longer be tolerated. The community also supports the security forces to eradicate the group.

Their actions not only threaten security stability, but also take the lives of innocent civilians, and this should be strongly condemned. Society, government and all elements of the nation must unite in efforts to stop this barbaric act, because security and peace are the basic rights of every human being which must not be sacrificed on any basis.

On July 31th, 2024, an incident that shocked the calm of residents in Yahukimo occurred again. The shooting attack aimed at securing personnel who were on guard at PT’s road and bridge repair project. Garanta. This attack occurred on the Kampung Massi road, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, and was a form of terror act that once again demonstrated the brutality of the KKB.

This brutal attack not only targeted security forces, but also targeted innocent civilians. Abdul Muzakir, a 29 year old worker, was the victim who died in this incident. Abdul’s life was lost in a tragic and very embarrassing way, allegedly due to serious failures committed by the KKB. This atrocity adds to the long list of victims of violence that should not occur in this country.

The incident began when security personnel tasked with guarding the road repair project were attacked with gunfire aimed at heavy equipment at the location. This attack was no ordinary attack. This was a well-planned attack and was deliberately carried out to create terror and chaos.

This action was further exacerbated by reports that not long after the attack, a truck carrying civilians was also the target of violence. The truck was blocked by a group of people who were strongly suspected to be part of the KKB, forcing the passengers to flee to save their lives.

The government, through the security forces, is trying to reduce these acts of terror in various ways, including increasing vigilance and preparedness in vulnerable areas. The pursuit operation against the perpetrators continues to be carried out by joint personnel from the Yahukimo Police and the Cartenz 2024 Peace Task Force.

In the midst of this increasingly heated situation, the role of society is also very important. Active community involvement in reporting suspicious activity is key to preventing the recurrence of similar tragedies.

The situation in Yahukimo and other areas in Papua teaches us that security is a very fragile thing and can be disturbed at any time by inhuman acts of terror. It is important for all of us to condemn this violence and commit to working together to maintain peace and stability in Papua.

The government must pay more attention, not only by sending troops, but also listening to the aspirations of the Papuan people and looking for a just and peaceful solution for all parties. As a society that cares about humanity, we must unite to voice our concern about the atrocities committed by the KKB. The international community must also play a role in applying pressure so that these acts of violence stop.

There is no place for terror in this country, and we all have a responsibility to ensure that every corner of Indonesia, including Papua, is a safe place for all its citizens.

With this incident, the situation in Yahukimo and its surroundings has returned to alert status. The public is advised to remain alert and cooperate with security forces. Safety is a top priority, and together we can prevent violence from continuing. Keeping Papua peaceful is our collective duty, and this is the right time to show our solidarity in fighting the violence and terror carried out by the KKB.

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