
Interfaith Worship Moment to Maintain Peace Towards Peaceful Regional Elections in the Land of Papua

Jayapura- FKUB Prov. Lipiyus Biniluk Papua said the interfaith grand prayer service was a momentum to maintain peace ahead of the 2024 regional elections.

“The important message is how we can maintain harmony and peace in Papuan society which consists of various tribes and religions,” he said.

According to him, the grand prayer service will take place at Istora Papua Bangkit, Sentani, Kab. Jayapura on Thursday (19/9).

He explained that he hoped that in this activity all ASN in the Province. Papua and the TNI-Polri can be involved as a form of joint commitment to keep Papua peaceful.

“We all have a responsibility to maintain and create security, so that the regional elections can run smoothly,” he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Peace Ops Cartenz 2024 Brigadier General Pol. Faizal Ramadhani, who is also the Deputy Chief of Papua Regional Police, said that this activity aims to support the peaceful Papuan Pilkada and also show that Papua is a safe and peaceful region.

“Papua Regional Police are ready to direct resources to ensure that the Pilkada runs safely, smoothly and peacefully while strengthening the image of Papua as a small paradise that has fallen to earth,” he said.

He added that the Papua Regional Police continues to strive to make Papua safe and peaceful to visit so that everyone can continue to work together in improving this region towards a Golden Papua.

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