
KKB’s actions have had a negative impact on the government’s economy

Jayapura- Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri revealed that the disturbances carried out by the KKB had a very negative impact on one area.

“As a result of the KKB, people have become victims, where they (the community) cannot experience government services,” said the Regional Police Chief.

To overcome KKB disturbances, said the Regional Police Chief, he had deployed troops. “Personnel from the Cartenz peace task force are one of the steps taken to deal with the escalating situation,” he stressed.

Regarding the condition of Intan Jaya, which recently heated up due to the KKB action, it has gradually recovered.

“In our enforcement efforts, we hope that today will be calmer. I am also trying to add additional assistance personnel and helicopters to strengthen handling in the field,” explained the Regional Police Chief.

Previously, the KKB attacked the Homeyo Police office and a pale-faced civilian.

It is known that a day later the KKB acted again by burning down the elementary school, and residents were even threatened to leave the Homeyo district.

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