
Often carrying out acts of terror and desecrating the land of Papua, Papuan traditional, religious and community leaders firmly reject the existence of the KKB

Papua- Traditional leaders and the entire people of Bumi Cenderawasih very firmly reject the existence of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) because they often carry out very barbaric and cruel terror against residents and security forces.

With this very barbaric action in the form of cruel, inhumane terror from the KKB on Papuan civil society, including the security forces who were on duty in the area nicknamed Little Heaven that Fell to Earth, this made the traditional leaders furious at these terrorist groups so that they expressed their firm stance regarding their existence.

Not only the traditional leaders, but also the Papuan people’s similar attitude is proof of this, namely their firm rejection of the existence of the KKB which continues to be disturbing with its various kinds of actions, including very barbaric terror.

Until now, the KKB continues to be a very serious scourge not only for Bumi Cenderawasih, but also for this nation because of the many crimes they continue to commit, resulting in endless terror in the area nicknamed the Golden Island.

The KKB action has claimed the lives of many victims from various groups and elements, not only the security forces who usually have direct physical contact with them, but the victims also come from civilians, which indicates that the group that is the enemy of the state is the same. absolutely indiscriminate and continues to be blind in all his actions.

The acts of terror that they have intensified, starting from murder, vandalism, destruction of public facilities, and so on, also have a negative influence or impact on the ongoing efforts to accelerate the development process in Papua which is being intensified by the Government.

The reason is, when Bumi Cenderawasih continues to be in a tense condition due to the many terrors from the KKB, this means that the region is still not in good stability or conduciveness.

All kinds of actions by the KKB then also triggered very negative reactions from various traditional leaders in the easternmost province of the country, all of whom emphasized that they strongly rejected the existence of any group that endangered the nation.

One of the community leaders of the Kopkaka Tribe, Seradala, Yahukimo Regency, Yusak Weyo, very firmly opposes all acts of violence that are often carried out by the KKB in a very cruel and barbaric manner.

This is not without reason, because if all the impacts of violence in Bumi Cenderawasih continue, it will have a huge impact on the community itself, not only because residents feel haunted and afraid because of terror, but Papua will also not immediately experience progress, development and increased prosperity because of these efforts. . The acceleration of development from the Central Government continues to be disrupted.

Not to mention, for example, if there is an armed conflict or gunfire from the KKB, it is possible that civilians who are not evil will also become targets because they see the track record of the separatist gang so far when carrying out very indiscriminate and indiscriminate attacks.

The rejection of the existence of the KKB also includes the full support of the traditional community leaders for the security forces and asks all local residents to join hands to maintain a conducive security and social security situation, especially at the current momentum ahead of the Regional Head General Election (Pilkada).

In the same vein, the Tribal Head and Community Figure of Ketengban, Bintang Mountains, Andarias Leppi, also strongly criticized the various acts of disruption of social security and order carried out by the KKB which resulted in a lot of losses, not only materially but many people even lost their lives.

These traditional community leaders provide full support to the joint security forces of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to be able to act very firmly against security intruders who continue to disrupt the conduciveness of this country.

When the conduciveness of Bumi Cenderawasih is realized, it is impossible that this will be an important key to realizing regional progress so as to create equality in all corners of the archipelago.

This is in accordance with the statement by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who emphasized that the government continues to pay attention to Papua so that there is equal development in all corners of the country.

The government has taken steps to pay attention to Bumi Cenderawasih in many ways, starting from intensifying development acceleration programs with a welfare approach to adding regional expansion through the existence of New Autonomous Regions (DOB).

However, all of this will be disrupted when the KKB is still in Papua because so far they have often carried out many very heinous and barbaric acts of terror. Therefore, the leaders of the Bumi Cenderawasih indigenous community expressed their position very firmly in rejecting their existence and fully supporting the security forces.

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