
Papua Regional Police Chief Invites Regional Leaders to Maintain Peace in the Land of Papua Ahead of Regional Elections

Jayapura – Papua Police Chief, Brigadier General Petrus Patrige Rudolf, said that the challenges ahead will not be easy in efforts to make Papua a land of peace. That’s why, he said, hard work is needed to create peace on the land of Cenderawasih.

“Of course our duties will be carried out well, especially in providing services to the Papuan people,” said Patrige as reported by Antara on Sunday, September 8 2024.

According to him, creating peace can be realized if there is support from all stakeholders. For this reason, he invited the local regional leadership meeting (Muspida) to be involved in creating this peace.

“We hope that the synergy that has existed so far can continue to be maintained and improved in the future,” he explained.

He said all parties have the same responsibility in making the Land of Papua safe and peaceful.

“The harmonious synergy between the National Police and the regional government has become a strong foundation in maintaining security stability in Bumi Cenderawasih,” he said again.

Apart from that, he said he would continue to make efforts to stop the conflict that is still occurring today. Moreover, he said, ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada, security must be maintained.

“Apart from that, we and the relevant agencies will work together to maintain security and comfort so that the 2024 regional elections will take place safely,” he concluded.

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