
The National Police Chief Gives Awards to Papuan Police Personnel for Their Achievement in Paralyzing the KKB in 2023

Located in the apple field of the Headquarters of the Bintang Mountains Police Headquarters, As Ops Chief of Police Inspector General Pol. Drs. Verdianto I. Bitticaca, M.Hum., who represented the National Police Chief, led the award ceremony to the Bintang Mountains Police personnel for their achievements in paralyzing the 2023 KKB, Tuesday 7 May 2024.

The ceremony was attended by Karo Ops Polda Papua, Ka Ops Damai Cartenz 2024, Dansat Brimob Polda Papua, Head of the Assistance Task Force, Head of the Bintang Mountains Police, Pamen, Pama, personnel from the ODC 2024 Task Force and the Bintang Mountains Police.

During the ceremony, eleven (11) Papuan Police personnel were given awards, including one (1) Papuan Police personnel and ten (10) Bintang Mountains Police personnel, namely, the Deputy Chief of the Bintang Mountains Police, Kompol. Micha Toding Potty, SH., SIK., MH., was given an award in the form of participating in the Sespim Polri, Head of Ops Division AKP Menase Sayori, SE., Head of Intelligence and Security Unit Iptu Sutokit, and Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Jarwo Sasmito, SH., MH., were given National Police Chief’s Gold Pin award.

Brigadier Randi CH. Korwa, Brigadier Natalius Kalep Paisei was given the award of attending the Police Inspector School (SIP) in 2025, while Brigadier Arman R. Limbong, Brigadier Melkias Petrus Sada Tapu, Bripda Hajai Pulalo, Bripda Hamow Yoshua Yapenang, and Brigadier Riyan Capri Zona Ba Ro Ops Polda Papuans were each given a promotion to the Extraordinary Rank (KPLB) one level higher than their previous rank.

In his speech, the two-star general hoped that the award given by the National Police Chief would increase motivation and enthusiasm in providing the best tasks for their respective units.

“For personnel who have not received awards, you should still be proud because your colleagues have received awards and this will be a motivation to be more active in carrying out their duties so that they will also receive awards,” he said.

Furthermore, the number four person in the Republic of Indonesia Police said that in carrying out the task of maintaining Security and Order in the Papua Regional Police area, especially in the Bintang Mountains, Papua Province could become a peaceful and advanced area or be on par with other Provinces.

He also gave encouragement to TNI-Polri personnel who carried out their duties in the District. Bintang Mountains both BKO and organic.

“Instill in your soul that this task is one of the best services. You serve here with the determination to give the best to the nation and state with the conditions and challenges we face. We at the National Police Headquarters see that no matter how small your tasks are, we will pay attention to them,” he said.

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